Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ebay! ARGH!

Sometime I really hate eBay.

I have a small store on eBay, ParaFanAlia Toys & Stuff. And as of March 30, they will be screwing the small seller once again.

I currently pay .03 to list an item in my store and 12% when it sells. This is not bad and I can make some money. As of March 30th, I’ll pay .20 for the same listing plus 12% when it sells. This in on top of the $15.99 a month for the store.

It may not seem much, but it’s is. Let’s say I 50 item in my store. Now that mean I pay $17.49 ($15.99 + $1.50 in listing fees) plus any final selling fees. As of March 30th, I will be paying $25.99. $8.50 doesn’t seem like a lot, but that’s the profit on 2 of my items.

Of course the mega stores that are coming to dominate eBay are still listing for .03.

It’s not enough for me to pull out of eBay, but it sucks. What’s worse they word all the notices to make like they’re doing us a favor. They have to gall to say:

For most sellers, the new fee options will bring significant savings with dramatically reduced upfront cost. Across the board, Insertion Fees are being dramatically reduced. Final Value Fees for Fixed Price listings are for the most part staying the same.

Just venting. I used to love eBay, but now, I just need it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eating at the Dinner Table

Tonight I was eating dinner with my mother. She had made us Cavati (or Cavatelli, if you must.). Not homemade but store bought. Still they were good. Cavati are one of my mother's favorites.

She was telling me about the time she working in my Grandmother's store selling homemade Wandi. She got home late and found out that my Grandmother had made cavati for dinner, but there wasn't any left. My guess is that Mom was under some stress, because she burst out crying. Grandma, being the way she was, made a new batch from scrach for Mom.

It was nice little story on it's own, but facanating to me, because I didn't know my Grandmother had a store. It was in the late 40's, and didn't last very long. From the undertone of my mother, I guess she did most of the grunt work involved. It's something nice to know.

I like eating dinner with my mother. If you haven't had a family meal in while try it. I think it would be good for the soul. No TV or Cell phones. Just sit down and eat. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. And don't force it. Things will come in there own time.