Saturday, September 3, 2011

David Big Adventure - Steampunk Guns

Well, it certainly was a time of it!

David had adventure getting here. David & I had day game of phone tag. He would call me, I would call him. At one point, I had phone off for the Radio session. As I got out, I notice Dave had called not two minutes before. Luckily, I caught him before he turned off his phone. Dave had spent the day with James and some other friends and planing on meeting me at the hotel at 10:30. His plan was to take the MARTA in and walk to the hotel. Of course, he ran late. When he did into the city, he pointed in the wrong direction in not the section of town. Finally, he called to say he was close, but need a police officer's help with directions. Yes, another wrong turn. At this point, I headed out to meet him. Luckily, I knew enough to stay on the same street of the hotel. I was able meet up with him at the Capitol Building. We got back to hotel at about 12:30 am.

I am glad that, at the last minute, I decided to take my laptop ith me. While it still isn't 100%, it's OK for this. One bad thing, I don't have any programs to do any basic editing of the photos I load. So the ones I posted are in the raw form. As an example, here is the photo of the Steampunk mini-squirt gun I bought. I suppose I could have work it more on the photo end, but you don't get that chance in the wild.

The background is that Cosplay for a Cause calendar I bought. I thought that worked out nicely, composition wise.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Dragon*Con Friday!

What a day! AND I left the con early.

I decided that I didn't want to wait in any long lines, so that means many of the popular sessions were out of the question. 

Started out with the Gerry Anderson:UFO panel. Real good recap of the show, learned some tidbits of how the show was produced. It's link to Space:1999. I of course, put two cents in. Honestly, I don't what it is with stuff like this, I can't keep my options to my self. And best of all, plans for UFO: The Movie. The only thing holding it up is financing, so it may be a while. The had a link up up the producer/director Matt Gratzner. The cool thing is most of SFX will be with models and not CGI. The is a head a model studio after all. Still looking forward to this.

Woman dressed as Moon Base Tech.
Ironically, she wasn't at panel.

Next up was Whedonverse 101 - Which was full by the time I got there. So I ended up with my forth choice. Stargate Universe - Year in Review. The True Blood panel had huge line, and Macross panel was 3 hotels away. The Stargate was pretty good for canceled and not well liked series. Lots of debate on what went wrong with series. Ditto with my input on this panel as well.

Wraith - from Stargate Atlantis, not Universe, but beggars can't choosers.

Took a bit of break from here to check out the dealer rooms. Really, not much for me. I bought a small Steampunk gun, a couple of PS 238 Trade Paperback and that was it. Most of the ray guns were either Steampunk or movie prop. I was hoping for something more 50's sci-fi.

At 4:00, I hit the Film Festival Track, Animation show. One film from RISD {Playing for Keeps}, which I hated! There was two I really like. One was history of boxer, John L. Sullivan {Gilded Age Gladiator} and one about the Collyer brothers {Junk Palace}. The others were OK.

Then at 5:30, I by passed trying to get to Buffy: Season 9 for, yes, Taxes for Artist. While it focused mostly on Federal Taxes, I tired, and think succeed in pointing out areas of concern on the state level. I wanted to talk to the host, but didn't want to miss the next session. This one one I would have stayed in line for.

I really like the idea of Radio Theater. Old time radio is cool, but old. I have always wanted to see it done with up to date themes. Of course, this was a comedy show, so the did a 40's Sci-Fi spoof (set way in the future 1985!), a talk show spoof, a hard boiled detective and a Steampunk Sherlock Holmes. They did not disappoint! Excellent Show!

After the show I decide to call it quits as I am meeting David at 10:30.

One other item I did buy was Cosplay for a Cause 2012 Calendar. Cosplay is basically women dressing up as Japanese Animation characters. All the proceeds go to Japan Relief efforts. And that is the only reason I got it.

Here are some other photos:

Atlanta Braves Baseball

Went to the game last night, Braves beat the Nationals 5-2, but I left after the 7th inning stretch. The score was 4-1 at the time. Brain McCann hit home run one section over. Turner Field is just 3 minute walk from the hotel.

The park is really nice. Like all new parks, it had statues out side.

Eddie Matthews

Phil Nikro

I can't believe I forgot to take a photo the Henry Arron statue.
The also had all these retired numbers, but I only took one of Hammerin' Hank.

It was pretty standard inside. I bought outfield seats from the hotel guy for $10. I probably could have gotten them even cheaper, but that is OK.

The Tomahawk Chop!


I ate there an had a pulled pork sandwich. The candied pecans were good!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Registration - Only 2hrs!

Registration at Dragon*Con was supposed to open a 2:00pm, but since they had so many people in the morning they opened early. Or, at least that is what I heard.

My hotel's shuttle took me and two other conventioneers directly to the registration site. Smart guy took us to the back of the line. I got there at 12:30-1:00 and the line was half way around the block. A good 400 people. Surprisingly the line moved quickly. I took us about 2 hours to register, about half the time it took last year (According to George, who with his daughter & her boyfriend, had gone the last couple of years).

There were two women from my hotel in line with me. Beth from New York, who didn't talk much. And Kathy from Minnesota. Kathy is published author and Hugo award winner (best magazine short, I think). You can find her page here.

After a $12.00 off the clock cab ride back to the hotel and a quick post, I'm off to the Braves game.

PS - I have photo's of the registration, but I don't have time to post them.

Here are the some photo from Registration:

Kate & Beth

Something for Every One

The Crowd

You can't really see it, but those girls got so board that they began to play with this guys pony tail.
I hope the knew him!

The registration booths. I was hoping for 13, but got 7 instead.

Earthquakes, Hurricanes & Dragon*Con! Oh, My!

DRAGON*CON, here I come!

Here I am, sitting in my hotel room in Atlanta.

After a long summer of dead computers, family visits, friends couch camping, eathquakes and hurricanes, I am finally here.

I've beening look forward and dreading it the same time. There is so much to do, and nothing I "must" do. Well, there is the prade on Saturday Morning!

I do plan on taking lots of pictures, so i'll post them here and on my facebook page!

The flight down here was great.

I go to airport, dropped my bags, passed security, bought my coffee and got to the gate as were starting to board. The bummpiest part of the ride on the tarmac in PVD. Sat mnext to a guy heading down New Orleans for the holiday. Shared stories of our hurricane stories. Nice guy, but could have used a breath mint.

After posting this blog, I am going to head to check in.

Have a good one!